#color_Blue Green
#color_Blue Green
#color_Blue Green



colour: Blue Green

Request Information

Esira SKU: RUGHTUF142755A

Introducing Esira, a luxurious hand-tufted rug from STARK's custom collection, embodying the essence of abstract design in every intricate detail. Crafted with 100% STARK Performance Acrylic, this masterpiece hails from the artisanal looms of India, boasting a sumptuous pile height of 0.31 inches, providing a lavishly soft layer underfoot. The impeccable construction process involves a hand-held tool punching yarn through a canvas backing, resulting in a lush, dense pile that exudes opulence. Explore personalized touches with the lavish SPA handmade colors from the SPA - STARK Performance Acrylic collection, specifically from the mesmerizing Impasto sub-collection, offering unrivaled textures and dimensions. Experience the epitome of luxury with Esira.