#color_Cotton Candy
#color_Cotton Candy
#color_Cotton Candy
#color_Cotton Candy



SKU: RUGNO--139231A09
|47992412897561:1-3 Weeks|47992412930329:1-3 Weeks|47992412963097:1-3 Weeks|50428917776665:1-3 Weeks
47992412930329:RUGNO--139231A10_S,true,Cotton Candy|47992412963097:RUGNO--139231A10_S_b2b,true,Cotton Candy|
Size: 3.05M X 4.27M

Request Information

Otto SKU: RUGNO--139231A10
#color_Cotton Candy


|47992412897561:1-3 Weeks|47992412930329:1-3 Weeks|47992412963097:1-3 Weeks|50428917776665:1-3 Weeks
47992412930329:RUGNO--139231A10_S,true,Cotton Candy|47992412963097:RUGNO--139231A10_S_b2b,true,Cotton Candy|
colour: Cotton Candy
Size: 3.05M X 4.27M

Introducing the STARK Otto hand-knotted rug, embodying timeless elegance and exquisite craftsmanship with its unique abstract design. Carefully hand-knotted in India, this luxurious rug blends 55% wool and 45% silk, creating a sumptuous texture that is both opulent and durable. Each knot is meticulously tied, resulting in variations in design, texture, and color, making every STARK Otto rug a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. The abstract design style and full customizability ensure a seamless integration into any high-end interior design project, allowing for a tailored aesthetic that speaks to individual luxury homeowners.